Dear Fellow Rotarians, visitors and guests!
Thank you for stopping by our club meeting! We hope you will enjoy your visit.
Although our E-club has Provisional status at this time, we hope you will find the content of our meeting enlightening and will give us the benefit of your opinion on the content.
Please let us know who you are. Please click this link to leave your name and club name for our records.October is Rotary`s celebration of Vocational Service.
Vocational Service is one of the five avenues of service within Rotary. It demonstrates how, by using our skills and expertise, we can make the lives of others better - and this leads us to a better, kinder world where citizens can live in peace, not fear - and live with dignity, not desperation. It's another way that Rotarians can exemplify our Rotary Theme for 2012-13 - Peace through Service.
Visiting Rotarians. If you are a visiting Rotarian, please follow the link Apply for a Make-up to receive a make-up confirmation.
Members. If you are a member of the club, please follow the link to Club Member Attendance Record to give you details of what you need to include in your email.
Happy Hour Hangout. Each Wednesday evening at 6:00 (USA-ET) we meet for a live chat and sometimes business discussion. If you are interested in dropping by, please send us an email request for an invitation to our HHH. Drinks are on the house! (Your house, that is...) Hope to see you there!
Interested in joining our club? If you would like to become a member of our E-club, please follow the link Membership Application and Information.
Our Provisional President, Kitty, would now like to welcome you to this week's meeting. Please listen in...
The Rotary Foundation Future Vision pilot is in the third year of a three-year test of the new grant structure outlined in the Foundation's Future Vision Plan. All clubs will be able to apply for grants under the new model in 2013.
The new grant model will have only two grant types:
- Global Grants
- District Grants
Click this link to open up the site to learn about Future Vision. Then click the Future Vision tab.
Click this link to view the video - The Last Hurdle. (About 7 1/2 minutes)
Learn about Rotary's efforts to eradicate polio, and follow a group of Rotarians on a life-changing trip to India for a National Immunization Day.
THE ABCs OF ROTARY (by Cliff Dochterman)
Rotary Mottos
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Cliff Dochterman RI President, 1992-93 |
The first motto of Rotary International, "He Profits Most Who Serves Best," was approved at the second Rotary Convention, held in Portland, Oregon, in August 1911. The phrase was first stated by a Chicago Rotarian, Art Sheldon, who made a speech in 1910 which included the remark "He profits most who serves his fellows best."
At about the same time, Ben Collins, president of the Rotary Club of Minneapolis, Minnesota, commented that the proper way to organize a Rotary club was through the principle his club had adopted - "Service, Not Self."
These two slogans, slightly modified, were formally approved to be the official mottoes of Rotary at the 1950 Convention in Detroit - "He Profits Most Who Serves Best" and "Service Above Self."
The 1989 Council on Legislation established "Service Above Self" as the principal motto of Rotary, since it best explains the philosophy of unselfish volunteer service.
....from Wikipedia
From 1905 until the 1980s, women were not allowed membership in Rotary clubs, although Rotarian spouses, including Paul Harris' wife, were often members of the similar "Inner Wheel" club. Women did play some roles, and Paul Harris' wife made numerous speeches. In 1963, it was noted that the Rotary practice of involving wives in club activities had helped to break down female seclusion in some countries. Clubs such as Rotary had long been predated by women's voluntary organizations, which started in the United States as early as 1790.
The change of the second Rotarian motto in 2004, from "He profits most who serves best" to "They profit most who serve best," 99 years after its foundation, illustrates the move to general acceptance of women members in Rotary.
The following is an important document for all Rotarians -
As a Rotarian engaged in a business or profession, I am expected to:
1. Consider my vocation to be another opportunity to serve;
2. Be faithful to the letter and to the spirit of the ethical codes of my
vocation, to the laws of my country, and to the moral standards of my
3. Do all in my power to dignify my vocation and to promote the highest
ethical standards in my chosen vocation;
4. Be fair to my employer, employees, associates, competitors, customers,
the public, and all those with whom I have a business or professional
5. Recognize the honor and respect due to all occupations which are useful
to society;
6. Offer my vocational talents: to provide opportunities for young people,
to work for the relief of the special needs of others, and to improve the
quality of life in my community;
7. Adhere to honesty in my advertising and in all representations to the
public concerning my business or profession;
8. Neither seek from nor grant to a fellow Rotarian a privilege or advantage
not normally accorded others in a business or professional relationship.
AN EXCITING PROGRAM in the Virgin Islands - a short video (4 minutes)
In the summer of 2011, we launched our first Summer Leadership Program that would lay the foundation for our 2012 Summer Leadership Institute. Seven aspiring future leaders set out to make an impact within their local community.
At VI Scholars, we identify, develop, and support future Virgin Island leaders empowering them to effect positive change within their local community.
If you see a message to "Watch on YouTube," simply click the underlined words. Then remember to click your browser's BACK button to return to the meeting.
For further information and reading, click this link.
MAIN PRESENTATION - Bruce Aylward - Global Polio Eradication Initiative
(23 minutes)
Bruce Aylward is a Canadian physician and epidemiologist who heads the polio eradication program at WHO (World Health Organization), The Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI).
Since June of 1998, he has been working with the GPEI, directing the effort since February of 2006. During the course of his medical training, Dr. Aylward travelled and worked in countries throughout South America, Africa, and Asia. Upon joining the World Health Organization in 1992, Dr. Aylward worked as a Medical Officer with the Expanded Program on Immunization primarily in the areas of measles, neonatal tetanus and hepatitis vaccination, and injection safety. From 1992 to 1997, he worked with national immunization programs at the field level in the Middle East, Western Pacific, Europe, North Africa, central and southeast Asia.
Aylward has overseen and managed the scale-up of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative between 1997 and 2008, during which time the program expanded to operate in every country of the world, the annual global budget increased to $700 million a year, polio-funded staff deployed by the WHO increased to over 3,500 people worldwide, and new monovalent oral poliovirus vaccines were developed for the program.
"We're not trying to control polio. We're not trying to get it down to just a few cases, because this disease is like a root fire; it can explode again if you don't snuff it out completely. What we're looking for is a permanent solution." (Bruce Aylward)
Click this link to view the presentation. (And click your browser's BACK button to return to the meeting.)
Please comment thoughtfully on this presentation in your review of our Rotary meeting.
Join our Happy Hour on Wednesdays at 6:00 p.m. Miami time to discuss these videos and the meeting. Click the link below just before 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, October 31 to join us.
Please contact us for more information.
The Organization of Rotary
Rotary is essentially a grassroots organization, with most if its service efforts being carried out at the club level. The district and international structure is designed to support the clubs and help them provide more service in their local communities and abroad.
Clubs. Rotarians are members of Rotary clubs, which belong to the global association Rotary International (RI). Each club elects its own officers and enjoys considerable autonomy within the framework of Rotary's constitution and bylaws.
For those of you who don't know of Jackie Evancho, I've copied some information below from Wikipedia.
Jackie was born April 9, 2000, and has gained wide recognition at an early age. Between 2008 and 2010, she entered several talent competitions; made singing appearances, mostly in Pennsylvania (including at Pittsburgh Pirates baseball games); issued an independent album, Prelude to a Dream; and attracted interest on YouTube.
She impressed composers Tim Janis and David Foster, each of whom included her in his concerts beginning in 2009. Later in 2010, at the age of 10, she gained wider popularity with her performances in the fifth season of the America's Got Talent (AGT) competition, finishing in second place.
Listen to the angelic voice of young Jackie Evancho singing To Believe - a song written by her uncle. Click your browser's back button to return to the meeting.
With only two tellers working at the bank, the line I was standing in was moving very slowly. As I waited, I began to fill in my withdrawal slip. Not sure of the date, I turned and asked the woman behind me.
"It's the fifth," she replied.
From the back of the line a man advised, "Don't write it in yet!"
(A Caribbean Rotary neighbor District, south of Rotary District 7020)
This excellent video below reflects very well on District 7030. Kudos to District 7030 for such an excellent production!
The video above provides some insight into The Caribbean as a whole, and specifically to District 7030. Much of the information also relates to Rotary in general - and shows what Rotary can accomplish in the Caribbean and elsewhere.
St. Maarten Sunrise (District 7020) also participates in the Step-by-Step program.
(Click this link to read about the Step-by-Step programme with St. Maarten Sunrise.)
(as Rotary Vocational Service month draws to a close)
PART 6 OF AN 8-PART SERIES - Gangs in Paradise
An ongoing report...
If you would like to use your stop here as a meeting make-up, please
1. Click the link at the right to Apply for a Make-up
2. Complete all information requested
3. Click SUBMIT.
Our club will send both you and your club secretary a make-up certificate.
To end our meeting, please recite aloud (on your honour!) the Rotary Four-Way Test of the things we think, say, and do. Adopted by Rotary International in 1934, The Four-Way Test remains an essential standard against which Rotarians measure ETHICAL behavior.
Rotarian Dr. Robert Leger from Haiti, who is the District 7020 Future Vision Chair for French language, and the District Future Vision Co-ordinator, will lead us. Please join in...
Rotary's Four-Way Test of the things we think, say, or do:
1. Is it the TRUTH?
2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?
4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
Thank you for stopping by our E-club meeting! We wish you well in the next week in all that you do for Rotary!
The meeting has now come to an end. Please do have a safe and happy week! If you have enjoyed our E-club meeting, please leave a comment below.
Rotary cheers!