To "attend" the meeting, scroll down the screen, review all the information from top to bottom, view all the videos, read all the information, and enjoy your time here with us at our Rotary meeting.
Dear Fellow Rotarians, visitors and guests!
Thank you for stopping by our club meeting! We hope you will enjoy your visit.
Our E-Club banner is shown at left! Please send us a virtual copy of your club banner and we will send you a copy of our new club banner in exchange. We will also display your club banner proudly on our meeting website.
We are now officially a fully-fledged chartered Rotary Club in District 7020. Our charter date is August 12, 2013. We hope you will find the content of our meeting enlightening and will give us the benefit of your opinion on the content.
October is Rotary's Vocational Service Month!
Visiting Rotarians. Click this link to Apply for a Make-up. We will send you and your club secretary a make-up confirmation.
Active Members. Click for Attendance Record.
Happy Hour Hangout. Happy Hour Hangout. Our Happy Hour Hangout on a Saturday morning is early enough so that you can join before your day gets away from you.
We meet for a live chat and sometimes business discussion. If you are interested in dropping by, please click the link below. Morning coffee is on the house! (Your house, that is...) Hope to see you there!
Please note: Now, attending our HHH will earn you a make-up!
The link to the Happy Hour Hangout for Saturday is at the bottom of this meeting.
Interested in joining us? Click the link Membership Application and Information.
Our President, Kitty, would now like to welcome you to this week's meeting. Please listen in...
ABCs OF ROTARY (Cliff Dochterman)
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Cliff Dochterman RI President, 1992-93 |
Special Rotary Observances
In the annual Rotary calendar, several months are designated to emphasize major programs of Rotary International.
January - Rotary Awareness Month. This is a time to expand knowledge of Rotary and its activities among our membership and throughout the community.
February - World Understanding Month. This month was chosen because it includes the birthday of Rotary International, February 23. During the month, Rotary clubs are urged to present programs which promote international understanding and goodwill, as well as launch World Community Service projects in other parts of the world.
March - World Rotaract Week is the week in which March 13 falls. It's a time when Rotary clubs and districts highlight Rotaract by joining in projects with their Rotaract clubs.
March is also now considered Rotary Literacy Month.
April - April is set aside as Rotary's Magazine Month. Throughout the month, clubs arrange programs and activities which promote the reading and use of THE ROTARIAN magazine and the official regional magazines of Rotary.
August - Membership and Extension Month. August is a time to focus on Rotary's continuing need for growth, to seek new members and form new clubs.
September - Youth Activities Month. Rotary clubs of the world give speial emphasis to the many Rotary-sponsored programs whih serve children and young people. During this month, many clubs give increased attention to youth exchange activities.
October - Vocational Service Month. During theis period, clubs highligh the importance of the business and professional life of each Rotarian. special activities promote the vocational avenue of service.
November - Rotary Foundation Month. Clubs and districts call attention to the programs of The Rotary Foundation and frequently cultivate additional financial support for the Foundation by promoting contributions for Paul Harris Fellows and sustaining Members.
December - Rotary Family Month.
Each of these special months serves to elevate the awareness among Rotarians of some of the excellent programs of service which occur within the world of Rotary.
Try your hand at a quiz on scientific facts. See how you do.
Click this link to try the quiz. Remember to click your browser's BACK button to return to the meeting.
A lovely and short little video! What fun!
Click this link to view the video. Click your browser's BACK button to return to the meeting.
...from EREY Chair, Marston Winkles
around the world and especially in our district, would not have been possible.
In District 7020 we are extremely fortunate that funds for projects within our district flow back to us 10 to 1 compared with what we contribute to TRF.
At left - Joweriya Kigundu, a student in the tailoring class, preps her sewing machine. The class, which provides
women with a vocational skill, also provides cheap school uniforms and mosquito nets for community
Providing mosquito nets is one element of The Humanitarian Project against Malaria, Poverty,
Hunger and Illiteracy at Kasamu in Kyali Mpigi District. The project is made possible with a Health,
Hunger and Humanity (3-H) Grant from the Rotary Foundation, the Rotary Club of Muyenga, Uganda
and the Rotary Club of Genk-Noord, Belgium.
The major aims of the project include fighting malaria,
improving general health, economic development, assisting farmers, helping orphans and the poor
and fighting against illiteracy.
Additionally, the more we give to the foundation this year the more funds will be available for DDF’s in the 2016-2017 Rotary year. (DDF = District Designated Fund)
But I am preaching to the choir, and I am sure you are giving the same speech to your club members whenever you have the chance. So what is the purpose of this email?
Well, November is Foundation month and I just thought I would give a little nudge to remind you, especially Club Foundation Chairs that you should be thinking about a plan, if you don’t already have one, on how you are going to make TRF feature in your club during Foundation month. Maybe you are planning a special fundraiser that is specific to TRF or maybe you can provide an incentive for giving during the month.
At left - Students study at Randombe Kanishta Vidyalaya in Ambalangoda, Sri Lanka.
This is one of 20 schools rebuilt through the Schools Reawaken project after the
2004 tsunami. The Rotary Foundation, and Standard Chartered Bank supported
the effort.
Some clubs with plenty of foundation points offer matching point incentives for contributions received during the month of November. Maybe you are planning to give a presentation to your club at one of your meetings on the importance of giving to TRF, no matter how little, so that every Rotarian will have shared in building the success story that is The Rotary Foundation.
At left - At the Bujo Primary School in Kasamu-Kyali, Mpigi District, Uganda, children enjoy a porridge lunch sponsored by the Humanitarian Project Against Malaria, Poverty, Hunger, and Illiteracy. The effort provides free lunch to children at this and other area schools five days a week during the school year.
Carried out by the Rotary clubs of Muyenga, Uganda, and Genk-Noord, Belgium, the project is made possible by a Health, Hunger and Humanity Grant from The
Rotary Foundation.
If you have a plan for Foundation Month that is unique, please share it with other clubs, with Kitty (at for inclusion in the District Newsletter.
Whatever you are planning for November, I wish you the greatest success in your efforts. Strive to make your club an EREY club and together we will bring District 7020 closer to an EREY District.
The greater our success, the greater opportunity we will have to change lives.
Click this link to try your hand at a jigsaw puzzle.
Click your browser's BACK button to return to the meeting.
SPEAKER - Peter Singer - The Why and How of Effective Altruism
If you're lucky enough to live without want, it's a natural impulse to be altruistic to others. But, asks philosopher Peter Singer, what's the most effective way to give? He talks through some surprising thought experiments to help you balance emotion and practicality -- and make the biggest impact with whatever you can share. NOTE: Starting at 0:30, this talk contains 30 seconds of graphic footage.
Sometimes controversial, always practical ethicist Peter Singer stirs public debate about morality, from animal welfare to global poverty.
Peter Singer may be, as The New Yorker calls him, the planet’s “most influential living philosopher.” The Australian academic specializes in applied ethics, to which he takes a secular, utilitarian approach -- minimize suffering, maximize well-being.
He gained recognition in the 1970s with his groundbreaking book Animal Liberation: A New Ethics for Our Treatment of Animals, which questions society’s tendency to put human needs above those of members of other species. And he draws fire from critics who object to his fascinating argument in favor of an obligation to help the global poor that sets the bar so high that it means we are almost all living unethically. His defense of euthanasia and infanticide, in some circumstances, has led to protests against his lectures and to teaching position at Princeton.
But Singer’s collective body of work is more acclaimed than controversial.
He has written the classic text Practical Ethics and many other books, with more in progress. He lectures at Princeton, where he is professor of bioethics, and the University of Melbourne, where he is a laureate professor.
You can find dozens of brief, brilliant essays at Project Syndicate, where Singer examines the philosophical questions surrounding current topics like Obamacare, computer piracy and obesity.
Victor Borge - 3 January 1909 – 23 December 2000
Everyone likes to be heard, acknowledged and have their point made. Whether you are trying to persuade a member to remain part of the club or whether you are trying to convince a prospective member to join your club, persuasion is all about listening.
Most clubs have a goal that is to attract more members to their club, but that's much easier said than done. Effective persuasion is almost like a science that requires one to be patient yet persistent.
Be Purposeful
Persuasion is a skill that needs to be developed. Truly persuasive people recognize and understand their power and use it sparingly and knowingly, when they know they can accomplish what they are going for. Aggresive persuaders are like telemarketers that constantly try to convince you of something to the point where you lose all interest and are turned off by their approach.
When you are trying to persuade a member to join your club, you have to be able to defend your arguments. Why should they join? How will they benefit? What can your club offer them? Having a purpose behind your reasons for persuasion can instantly make you more credible.
Listening is the key to moving the conversation forward.
As the person who will be doing the persuading, you already know what your arguments are, and you know why you are persuading the person in front of you. Effective persuasion comes from being able to capitalize on consensus.
By listening and focusing on the person in front of you, you are able to gauge how receptive they are to your points and to the subject at hand. By listening for objections, persuasive people are able to make their points more effectively.
Finally, by listening for moments of agreements, persuasive people are able to customize their arguments to the person they are convincing.
Create Connections
When you are trying to persuade people to join your club who have no prior connections with your club or its members, it becomes very difficult to convince them. The reason is because it is easy for us to dismiss people when we have no relationship with them or any emotional stake in their argument.
In order to be truly persuasive, you have to be listening for those shared objectives and common grounds so you can begin to build a connection and relationship.
Connections don't have to be limited to relationships, you can also create connections based on emotions and interests. It isn't necessary for the person you are talking to, to know you or any member of your club - learn more about their interests and form a relationship based on similar interests.
Offer Satisfaction
Patience is a virtue. Persuasive people understand that their arguments might not lead to a decision today but they know that their goal is to find the easiest path to get that 'yes'.
As such, you have to be able to persuade the person in front of you that they will be satisfied upon joining your club. When a person sees how satisfied other members in your club are, their interest level will rise as well.
Acknowledge Credibility
Present them with your club's achievements, past projects and success stories. Present them with how your club has benefited the lives of others. By being able to show your past accomplishments, you are increasing the credibility of your club in the prospects mind and are one step closer in encouraging them to join.
Know when to remain silent and back away
Successful persuasion is not about winning every time. It's one of the reasons why we get so turned off by people who try to convince us of something aggressively.
If listening is important, knowing when to be quiet is just as important.
Effective persuaders know when they have made their point and when it's time to end the conversation. Every one needs time to think and reflect on the points presented to them.
Allow your prospective members some time to think about whether they want to join your club or not, and follow up with them in a few weeks. Urgency and immediacy don't result in the best decisions, so it's important to just make your points and back away. Given time to reflect on your arguments, if made effectively, you can achieve what you set to do.
ROTARY CLUB OF MONTEGO BAY - Wheelchair project
The Rotary Club of Montego Bay and ROC wheels joint wheelchair distribution project 2013.
What an excellent project within District 7020!
ROC n' Rotary from MrsMichelle on Vimeo.
Ravi Ravindran has been chosen to lead Rotary for the years 2015-16.
Click this link to view the short video and to meet Mr. Ravindran briefly.
Don't forget to click your browser's BACK button to return to the meeting.
PART 4 OF AN 8-PART DOCUMENTARY - Gangs in Paradise
We can talk about this in the next few weeks...
If you missed this meeting, you can view it here!
Click this link to view the video. It runs nearly 1 1/2 hours. You may want to view this at a later time.
Click your browser's BACK button to return to the meeting.
To end our meeting, please recite aloud (on your honour!) the Rotary Four-Way Test of the things we think, say, and do.
PDG Ron Napier, RI President's Representative from District 7570 to the Rotary District 7010 Conference recently in Orillia, Ontario, Canada leads us.
PDG Ron was gracious enough to allow me to record him with the Four-Way Test. It was also a pleasure to meet both Ron and his wife, Kathy! Excellent friends and Excellent Rotarians! I hope we can meet again soon!

1. Is it the TRUTH?
2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?
4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
...and official close of meeting
Thank you for stopping by our E-club meeting! We wish you well in the next week in all that you do for Rotary!
The meeting has now come to an end. Please do have a safe and happy week! If you have enjoyed our E-club meeting, please leave a comment below.
Rotary cheers!
Visiting Rotarians. Click this link to Apply for a Make-up. We will send you and your club secretary a make-up confirmation.
Please consider a donation to our Club. Just as any Rotarian visiting a Rotary Club would be expected to make a donation, we hope you will consider a donation to our Rotary E-Club of the Caribbean, 7020. Please click the button below:
Active Members. Click to indicate your Attendance.
HAPPY HOUR HANGOUT - Saturday morning, October 26
• 9:00 a.m. Atlantic Time
• 9:00 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time
Rotary E-Club of the Caribbean, 7020 is inviting you to a scheduled Happy Hour Hangout on Saturday morning, October 26.
Please plan to join to meet and chat with Vernella Fuller, District 7020 Chair of Maternal and Child Health.

Plan to join so that we have an excellent participation from our members!
Join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device:
• Please click this URL to start or join.
• Or, go to and enter meeting ID: 659 238 582
Join from dial-in phone line:
• Call +1(424)203-8450 (US/Canada only).
• For Global dial-in numbers:
• Meeting ID: 659 238 582
• Participant ID: Shown after joining the meeting