Click this link to transfer to our new meeting platform for 2014-15!
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To "attend" the meeting, scroll down the screen, review all the information from top to bottom, view all the videos, read all the information, and enjoy your time here with us at our Rotary meeting.
Dear Fellow Rotarians, visitors and guests!
Thank you for stopping by our club meeting! We hope you will enjoy your visit.
Our E-Club banner is shown at left! Please send us a virtual copy of your club banner and we will send you a copy of our new club banner in exchange. We will also display your club banner proudly on our meeting website.
We are now officially a fully-fledged chartered Rotary Club in District 7020. We celebrated our Charter Gala with the meeting posted the week of January 24. Our charter date is August 12, 2013. We hope you will find the content of our meeting enlightening and will give us the benefit of your opinion on the content.
Our club celebrates our 2014 Butterfly Storybook! Volumes One and Two are available online. Email us at
These links appear at the end of the meeting as well.
Visiting Rotarians. Click this link to Apply for a Make-up. We will send you and your club secretary a make-up confirmation.
Active Members. Click for Attendance Record.
Happy Hour Hangout. Happy Hour Hangout. Our Happy Hour Hangout on a Saturday morning is early enough so that you can join before your day gets away from you.
We meet for a live chat and sometimes business discussion. If you are interested in dropping by, please click the link below. Morning coffee is on the house! (Your house, that is...) Hope to see you there!
Please note: Now, attending our HHH will earn you a make-up!
The link to the Happy Hour Hangout for Saturday is at the bottom of this meeting.
Interested in joining us? Click the link Membership Application and Information.
Our President, Kitty, would now like to welcome you to this week's meeting. Please listen in...
There are two inductions this meeting - later on as you scroll through.
- First, a new member, Vernella.
- A very special induction - our President for 2014-15 - Amarylis.
ABCs OF ROTARY (Cliff Dochterman)
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Cliff Dochterman RI President, 1992-93 |
Campaigning Prohibited
One of the interesting bylaws of Rotary International provides that "no Rotarian shall campaign, canvass or electioneer for elective position in Rotary International." This provision includes the office of district governor, Rotary International director, RI president and various elected committees. The Rotary policy prohibits the circulation of brochures, literature or letters by a candidate or by anyone on behalf of such a candidate.
After a Rotarian has indicated his intention to be a candidate for one of the elective Rotary offices, he must refrain from speaking engagements, appearances or publicity which could reasonably be construed as furthering his candidacy. The only information whic may be sent to clubs relating to canddidates for an elective position is that officially distributed by the general secretary of RI.
A Rotarian who becomes a candidate for an elective position, such as district governor or RI director, must avoid any action which would be interpreted as giving him an unfair advantage over other candidates. Failure to comply with these provisions prohibiting campaigning could result in the disqualification of the candidate.
In Rotary, it is believed that a Rotarian's record of service and qualifications for office stand on their own and do not require publicity or special promotion.
Craig Alford planned to ride a push bicycle across Australia to raise money for charity, but he hopped on his souped up Hustler Super lawnmower instead.
“This is so much more rewarding,” he said upon his arrival at Sydney Olympic Park on Saturday, the last of his 2014 trip, bringing his total kilometers traveled to about 2,500. “And a bit easier on the body.”
Alford, a member of the Rotary Club of Armadale and assistant governor of District 9465 in Western Australia, sells lawnmowers and other equipment at his business. He made his grand entrance by cruising past thousands of Rotarians on the main drag at Sydney Olympic Park. Then he threw down a couple of spins on the mower to get the crowd pumped up — and to open up some wallets. He’s riding for mental health research, prostate cancer research, and polio eradication. Alford hopes to raise $1 million Australian dollars over 7 years, traveling some 15,000 kilometers in the process. He’s raised just under $200,000 Australian dollars so far.
“You come around the corner and see the expression on people’s faces of amazement,” he says.
His journey this year started in Adelaide then went up to Melbourne, on to Tasmania, back to Melbourne to Canberra, and over to Sydney. He’s averaging 200 kilometers a day. Along the way, he’s collecting all sorts of interesting stories.
“One lady had six dollars to her name,” he says, “and gave it to us as a donation because her daughter suffers from depression.”
Others just appreciate the original idea, though they should probably appreciate the execution too. Riding a lawnmower across Australia is a complicated, bureaucratic activity. For starters, he’s not allowed to cut any lawns. Australia won’t allow you to drive a vehicle with blades on roads. Secondly, he needs permits to ride in some Australian states.
“If you’re thinking of riding a lawn mower around anywhere, think hard before you do it because it’s a lot of work,” he adds. “But it’s a great adventure.”
Alford is accompanied on his rides by a support staff of 8-11 people, all Rotarians. So if you see him, give him a wave and a donation. If you’ve seen him in the past, share your stories in the comments field.
Note: Our idea of "pushing" or "moving" something around all our 10 islands would definitely be possible. A future project for sure!
Meet Mr. Toilet | Jessica Yu from Focus Forward Films on Vimeo.
(about 10 minutes)
Some magnificent projects grow from very small seeds. The Rotary Foundation had that sort of modest beginning.
In 1917, RI President Arch Klumph told the delegates to the Atlanta Convention that "it seems eminently proper that we should accept endowments for the purpose of doing good in the world." The response was polite and favorable, but the fund was slow to materialize. A year later, the "Rotary Endowment Fund," as it was first labeled, received its first contribution of $26.50 from the Rotary Club of Kansas City, which was the balance of the Kansas City Convention account following the 1918 annual meeting.
Additional small amounts were annually contributed, but after si years, it is reported that the endowment fund had only reached $700. A decade later, The Rotary Foundation was formally established at the 1928 Minneapolis Convention. In the next four years, the Foundation fund grew to $50,000. In 1937, a $2 million goal was announced for The Rotary Foundation, but these plans were cut short and abandoned with the outbreak of World War II.
In 1947, upon the death of Paul Harris, a new era opened for The Rotary Foundation, as memorial gifts poured in to honor the founder of Rotary. From that time, The Rotary Foundation has been achieving its noble objective of furthering "understanding and friendly relations between peoples of different nations."
By 1954, the Foundation received for the first time a half million dollars in contributions in a single year, and in 1965, a million dollars was received.
It is staggering to imagine that from those humble beginnings, The Rotary Foundation is now receiving more than $45 million each year for educational and humanitarian work around the world.
(A short six-minute video)
Dr. Michio Kaku explains why the ability to read minds, record dreams, and see what the brain sees is not so far off from what's in science fiction. As he reveals in this video, there are technologies in the world that can accomplish these big goals.
This is such a fantastic short video - under 3 minutes - and you will thoroughly enjoy it.
A NATURAL HIGH - (one minute video)
Making programs available so that after drug addiction can be successful.
Prescription for Addiction from CAMH Education Network on Vimeo.
Under 4 minutes...
(Under 6 minutes)
RI President-elect Gary C.K. Huang chose Light Up Rotary as his theme for 2014-15. Huang was inspired by the teachings of Chinese philosopher Confucius who said: "It is better to light a single candle, than to sit and curse the darkness."
"There are so many problems in the world, so many people who need help. Many people say, 'There's nothing I can do.' So they sit there doing nothing. Meanwhile everything stays dark," Huang told the 537 district governors and their spouses and partners who are attending the 2014 International Assembly in San Diego, California.
"The Rotary way is the Confucius way. The Rotary way is to light a candle. I light one, you light one, 1.2 million Rotarians light one. Together, we light up the world," said Huang, who is a member of the Rotary Club of Taipei in Taiwan.
After announcing his theme at the opening session of the five-day training meeting, Huang urged club members to Light Up Rotary in the coming year by hosting a Rotary Day in their community and including local Rotaract and Interact members in their service projects.
"How you Light Up Rotary is up to you," Huang said. "You know where you are strong, you know what your community needs, and you know how you can help."
Huang also shared his membership development goals, including the need for more women and young adults and his goal to increase membership to a total of 1.3 million members. He asked Rotarians to invite their spouses, family members, and friends to join Rotary.
"We need to assume leadership for building strong clubs, and that starts with bringing in new members," he said.
Addressing the status of the fight against polio, Huang noted that with the current momentum Rotary is on track to achieve full polio eradication by 2018.
"When we eradicate polio — and we will — we will have proved ourselves an organization capable of great things. And we'll be even better equipped for the next challenge we choose to take on. We'll have given the world a gift that will endure forever," he said.
By continuing to fight against polio, setting an example in local communities, and growing membership, Huang hopes to see Rotary shine brighter than ever.
"Light Up Rotary is our theme, but it is more than our theme. It is how we live in Rotary, how we think in Rotary, how we feel, how we work," Huang said. "It is how we make a difference — every day, in every club, every district, and every country where we serve."
Textof the video -
Fellow Rotarians, it is the duty of our Rotary club to add new members from time to time, so that we may not only increase our usefulness and influence as a club, but also to extend the spirit of Rotary throughout the community. Today, I welcome to our ranks and admit to membership Vernella Fuller who comes to us from Jamaica.
Dear Vernella - You have been chosen to membership in the Rotary E-Club of the Caribbean, 7020 because the members believe you to be a leader in your vocation and because you manifest those qualities of head and of heart which fit you to interpret and impart the message of Rotary to those with whom you come in contact.
You are the representative of your vocation in this club, and any contribution of an educational value pertaining to that vocation must naturally come to us through you. On the other hand, you become the ambassador from us to your classification, and it becomes your duty to carry the ideals and principles of service to your work.
The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and in particular, to encourage and foster:
First: The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service;
Second: High ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations; and the dignifying by each Rotarian of his occupation as an opportunity to serve society;
Third: The application of the ideal of service by every Rotarian to his personal, business and community life.
Fourth: The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service.
I charge you along with the others in our club to judge yourselves by the Rotary Four-Way Test of the things you think, say or do:
First - Is it the Truth?
Second - Is it fair to all concerned?
Third - Will it build goodwill and better friendships?
Fourth - Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
The community will know and judge Rotary through your embodiment of it in character and service, and we accept you as a member because we believe our principles and organization to be safe in your keeping.
We also expect much from you in help and inspiration, which will enable us to be better Rotarians, and with this hope we most heartily offer you Rotary fellowship.
Rotary - it's not just another club. It's a way of life. You have been elected to membership because we feel you will fit into this way of life.
You have been admitted not only to the Rotary E-Club of the Caribbean, 7020, but to a worldwide association; and by virtue of your membership in this club, you will be welcomed into the fellowship of any Rotary club in the world.
Membership in Rotary is an honor and privilege, and every privilege has its corresponding obligations.
The honor and privilege of Rotary membership carries with it duties and obligations. You – along with all your fellow members in the Rotary E-Club of the Caribbean, 7020 – will be expected to attend the club's meetings regularly, to perform your share of club service, and to place your knowledge and talents at the disposal of the club in its task of carrying the principles
of Rotary into the daily life of the community. Rotary is like everything else – you get out of it what you put into it.
Always remember Rotary’s motto – Service Above Self.
Rotarian Vernella, in the name of the Rotary E-Club of the Caribbean, 7020 I now formally admit you to membership in this club and affix to your lapel our emblem.
Fellow Rotarians, I commend to you our newest member, Rotarian Vernella who has been loaned the classification of writer and business owner, and charge all of you to welcome her.
Text of the video -
Dear President-Elect Amarylis
You have been chosen by your fellow Rotarians to be the President of the Rotary E-Club of the Caribbean, 7020 for the coming year.
As President, you are assuming new duties, new obligations and responsibilities and these will make demands on your thoughts, your time and your energy. We are confident that you will carry out your tasks with the same enthusiasm that characterizes all Rotary actions and you are assured of the co-operation from your fellow members.
Rotary’s object, with its Five Avenues of Service, will be your guide, and I know you will be sustained throughout your year by the fellowship and respect of us all.
Amarylis, I present you with your President’s pin and collar and the Club Charter and now officially induct you as President of the Rotary E-Club of the Caribbean, 7020 for the year 2014-15.
Dear Fellow Rotarians -
May I introduce to you - and present to you - your E-Club president for 2014-15 - Amarylis Davila.
For those who want a smile... under 15 minutes...
Click this link to read the June 2014 issue of the Caribbean Partnership newsletter.
Remember to click your browser's BACK button to return to the meeting.
To end our meeting, please recite aloud (on your honour!) the Rotary Four-Way Test of the things we think, say, or do.
Sheila Bethel, Lindsey Cancino, and Karen Pinder lead us. An excellent trio!

1. Is it the TRUTH?
2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?
4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
...and official close of meeting
Thank you for stopping by our E-club meeting! We wish you well in the next week in all that you do for Rotary!
The meeting has now come to an end. Please do have a safe and happy week! If you have enjoyed our E-club meeting, please leave a comment below.
Rotary cheers!
Visiting Rotarians. Click this link to Apply for a Make-up. We will send you and your club secretary a make-up confirmation.
Please consider a donation to our Club. Just as any Rotarian visiting a Rotary Club would be expected to make a donation, we hope you will consider a donation to our Rotary E-Club of the Caribbean, 7020. Please click the button below:
Active Members. Click to indicate your Attendance.
HAPPY HOUR HANGOUT - Saturday morning, June 28
• 9:00 a.m. Atlantic Time
• 9:00 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time (Miami Time)
• 8:00 a.m. Cayman Time (Jamaica Time)
Rotary E-Club of the Caribbean, 7020 is inviting you to a scheduled Happy Hour Hangout on Saturday morning, June 28.
This is a recurring meeting so the link is the same each Saturday morning. We look forward to seeing you there!
Join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device:
• Go to and enter meeting ID: 602 689 205
• Click this URL to start or join.
Join from dial-in phone line:
Dial: +1 (415) 762-9988 or +1 (646) 568-7788
Meeting ID: 602 689 205
Participant ID: Shown after joining the meeting
International numbers available: