To "attend" the meeting, scroll down the screen, review all the information from top to bottom, view all the videos, read all the information, and enjoy your time here with us at our Rotary meeting.
Dear Fellow Rotarians, visitors and guests!
Thank you for stopping by our club meeting! We hope you will enjoy your visit.
Our E-Club banner is shown at left! Please send us a virtual copy of your club banner and we will send you a copy of our new club banner in exchange. We will also display your club banner proudly on our meeting website.
We are now officially a fully-fledged chartered Rotary Club in District 7020. Our charter date is August 12, 2013. We hope you will find the content of our meeting enlightening and will give us the benefit of your opinion on the content.
November is Rotary Foundation month.
Visiting Rotarians. Click this link to Apply for a Make-up. We will send you and your club secretary a make-up confirmation.
Active Members. Click for Attendance Record.
Happy Hour Hangout. We are adjusting the time of our Happy Hour Hangout to Saturday mornings - early enough so that you can join before your day gets away from you.
We meet for a live chat and sometimes business discussion. If you are interested in dropping by, please click the link below. Morning coffee is on the house! (Your house, that is...) Hope to see you there!
Please note: Now, attending our HHH will earn you a make-up!
The link to the Happy Hour Hangout for Saturday is at the bottom of this meeting.
Interested in joining us? Click the link Membership Application and Information.
Our President, Kitty, would now like to welcome you to this week's meeting. Please listen in...
ABCs OF ROTARY (Cliff Dochterman)
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Cliff Dochterman RI President, 1992-93 |
The Official Rotary Flag
An official flag was formally adopted by Rotary International at the 1929 Convention in Dallas, Texas. The Rotary flag consists of a white field with the official wheel emblem emblazoned in gold in the center of the field.
The four depressed spaces on the rim of the Rotary wheel are colored royal blue. The words "Rotary" and "International" printed at the top and bottom depressions on the wheel rim are also gold. The shaft in the hub and the keyway of the wheel are white.
The first official Rotary flag reportedly was flown in Kansas City, Missouri, in January 1915. In 1922, a small Rotary flag was carried over the South Pole by Admiral Richard Byrd, a member of the Winchester, Virginia, Rotary Club. Four years later, the admiral carried a Rotary flag in his expedition to the North Pole.
Some Rotary clubs use the official Rotary flag as a banner at club meetings. In these instances, it is appropriate to print the words "Rotary Club" above the wheel symbol, and the name of the city, state, or nation below the emblem.
The Rotary flag is always prominently displayed at the World Headquarters as well as all conventions and official events of Rotary International.
Why Rotary? from Rotary International on Vimeo.
Ron D. Burton retired as president of the University of Oklahoma Foundation Inc. in 2007. He is a member of the U.S. Supreme Court Bar, the Oklahoma Bar Association, and the Cleveland County Bar Association. He is also a member of the American Bar Association, the ABA Section of Taxation Exempt Organizations Committee, and the ABA Section of Real Property, Probate, and Trust Committee on Charitable Organizations.
He was vice president of the Last Frontier Council of the Boy Scouts of America and received the Silver Beaver Award. He also received the Norman United Way and Junior League Volunteer of the Year Civic Award.
A Rotarian since 1979, Burton has served RI as director, president’s aide, RI president’s representative, committee and task force member, Rotary information counselor, zone trainer, International Assembly group discussion leader and moderator, Council on Legislation representative, and district governor. He also chaired the 2011 New Orleans Convention Committee. As director, he served as chair of the Executive, Administration, and Audit Committees.
His extensive service to The Rotary Foundation includes vice chair and member of the Foundation Trustees, vice chair of the Future Vision Committee, and member of the International PolioPlus Committee and PolioPlus Speakers Bureau. Other service includes national adviser for the Permanent Fund Initiative, member of Permanent Fund Leadership Team, and consultant to the Development Committee. In addition, he has served as a regional Rotary Foundation coordinator and moderator of the regional Rotary Foundation coordinator training program.
Burton has received the RI Service Above Self Award and the Foundation’s Citation for Meritorious Service, Distinguished Service Award, and International Service Award for a Polio-Free World. He and his wife, Jetta, are Paul Harris Fellows, Benefactors, Major Donors, and members of the Paul Harris, Bequest, and Arch C. Klumph Societies.
SPEAKER - Kevin Breel - Depression - Standing Strong Together new
Kevin Breel didn't look like a depressed kid: team captain, at every party, funny and confident. But he tells the story of the night he realized that -- to save his own life -- he needed to say four simple words.
Writer, comic and mental health activist Kevin Breel speaks up about depression.
As a teenager, Kevin Breel almost took his own life. His story, so powerfully told in his viral TEDxYouth Talk, gives voice to an often silent struggle and offers a message of hope.
As Jack Knox writes in the Times Colonist :
His story, abbreviated, is this: He grew up in Cadboro Bay, a popular kid, fun at parties, English and drama awards, always on the honour roll, captain of the Lambrick Park basketball team when it was ranked No. 1 in the province. Under it all was the other him, the kid who plunged into depression at age 13 when his best friend died in a car crash.
Breel now speaks out about his own depression, with a mission of helping kids his age realize they're not alone.
Click this link to try your hand at the most commonly misspelled words.
Click your browser's BACK button to return to the meeting.
SPEAKER - Joshua Walters
Joshua Walters is a bipolar comedian whose work explores language, creativity, beatboxing and madness.
Joshua Walters is a comedian, poet, educator and performer. He incorporates elements of spoken word and beatbox into his shows in a mash-up of comedy, intimate reflection and unpredictable antics. In the last two years, Walters has performed at theaters and universities throughout North America, Europe and the Middle East.
His eclectic combination of performance disciplines and activity as an educator in mental health has given Walters a national platform and audience. In 2002, Walters co-founded the DBSA (Depression Bipolar Support Alliance) Young Adults Chapter in San Francisco, one of the few support groups specifically for mentally ill young adults in the country.
As a facilitator, Walters developed humor to address the subject of mental illness, reframing it as a positive. Walters speaks as a mental health educator and has engaged in mental health advocacy at conventions and in classrooms nationwide.
Devorath goes into a pet shop and tells the owner that she wants to buy a pet that can do everything.
The shop owner suggests a faithful dog.
Devorath replies, "Come on, a dog?" The owner says, "How about a cat?"
Devorath replies, "No way! A cat certainly can't do everything. I want a pet that can do everything!"
The shop owner thinks for a minute, then says, "I've got it! A centipede!"
Devorath says, "A centipede? I can't imagine a centipede doing everything, but okay... I'll try a centipede." She gets the centipede home and says to the centipede, "Clean the kitchen."
Thirty minutes later, she walks into the kitchen and... it's immaculate! All the dishes and silverware have been washed, dried, and put away the counter-tops cleaned the appliances sparkling the floor waxed. Devorath is absolutely amazed.
She says to the centipede, "Go clean the living room."
Twenty minutes later, she walks into the living room. The carpet has been vacuumed the furniture cleaned and dusted the pillows on the sofa plumped, plants watered.
Devorath thinks to herself, "This is the most amazing thing I've ever seen. This really is a pet that can do everything!"
Next she says to the centipede, "Run down to the corner and get me a newspaper."
The centipede walks out the door. 10 minutes later... no centipede.
20 minutes later... no centipede. 30 minutes later... no centipede.
By this point, Devorath is wondering what's going on. The centipede should have been back in a couple of minutes. 45 minutes later... still no centipede!
She can't imagine what could have happened. Did the centipede run away? Did it get run over by a car? Where is that centipede?
So she goes to the front door, opens it... and there's the centipede sitting right outside.
Devorath says, "Hey!!! I sent you down to the corner store 45 minutes ago to get me a newspaper. What's the matter?!"
The centipede says, "I'm goin'! I'm goin'! I'm just puttin' on my shoes!"
How a blog aided a Nation
The Rotary Club of Colombo Regency in Sri Lanka invited a speaker to their club's meeting to teach members how to create a blog, not realizing how valuable this new technology would prove to be.
Just one day after the world's deadliest tsunami destroyed parts of their country, the club members set up their first blog.
It allowed people from all over the world to provide immediate assistance by donating money and providing food and medicine, and daily updates kept contributors informed about the club's relief efforts.
Club members emailed friends and family members to alert them to the blog and the account they had set up for donations. The club also made an arrangement with - which did not benefit from the agreement - to take orders for food and medicine and send them directly to the Rotary Club of Colombo. Club members then purchased items from the local wholesale market and distributed them.
Within a week, the club had raised nearly US$50,000 and an additional $35,000 had been pledged.
"Our club has been successful because we have been able to reach out the international community through this site," said club secretary Chamila Wickramasinghe.
Our E-Club commitment is to inspire our members
- to become involved in club fellowship and club activities
- to actively participate in our programs and truly feel a part of a warm, friendly, and helpful Rotary Club.
Regular attendance. Your commitment to the club. Regular attendance of club meetings and engagement in club service projects, events, or activities demonstrates a member’s commitment to the club and to the organization.
Article 12 Duration of Membership
Section 4 — Termination — Non-attendance.
(a) Attendance Percentages. A member must
(1) attend or make up at least 50 percent of club regular meetings or satellite club meetings, or engage in club projects, other events and activities for at least 12 hours in each half of the year, or a proportionate combination of both;
(2) attend at least 30 percent of this club’s regular meetings or satellite club meetings, or engage in club projects, other events and activities in each half of the year (assistant governors, as defined by the board of directors of RI, shall be excused from this requirement).
If a member fails to attend as required, the member’s membership may be subject to termination unless the board consents to such non-attendance for good cause.
(b) Consecutive Absences. Unless otherwise excused by the board for good and sufficient reason or pursuant to article 9, sections 3 or 4, each member who fails to attend or make up four consecutive regular meetings shall be informed by the board that the member’s non-attendance may be considered a request to terminate membership in this club. Thereafter, the board, by a majority vote, may terminate the member’s membership.
This has been an excellent documentary.
To end our meeting, please recite aloud (on your honour!) the Rotary Four-Way Test of the things we think, say, and do.
Bryn Styles, Rotary International Director from Zone 24, leads us. Director Bryn sends his very warmest regards to District 7020!

1. Is it the TRUTH?
2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?
4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
...and official close of meeting
Thank you for stopping by our E-club meeting! We wish you well in the next week in all that you do for Rotary!
The meeting has now come to an end. Please do have a safe and happy week! If you have enjoyed our E-club meeting, please leave a comment below.
Rotary cheers!
Visiting Rotarians. Click this link to Apply for a Make-up. We will send you and your club secretary a make-up confirmation.
Please consider a donation to our Club. Just as any Rotarian visiting a Rotary Club would be expected to make a donation, we hope you will consider a donation to our Rotary E-Club of the Caribbean, 7020. Please click the button below:
Active Members. Click to indicate your Attendance.
HAPPY HOUR HANGOUT - Saturday morning, November 23
Rotary E-Club of the Caribbean, 7020 is inviting you to a scheduled Happy Hour Hangout.
Please join and hear our District EREY Chair, Marston Winkles, tell us about The Rotary Foundation.
Join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device:
- Please click this URL to start or join.
- Or, go to and enter meeting ID: 605 615 613
- Call +1(424)203-8450 (US/Canada only).
- For Global dial-in numbers:
- Meeting ID: 605 615 613
- Participant ID: Shown after joining the meeting
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