To "attend" the meeting, scroll down the screen, review all the information from top to bottom, view all the videos, read all the information, and enjoy your time here with us at our Rotary meeting.
Dear Fellow Rotarians, visitors and guests!
Thank you for stopping by our club meeting! We hope you will enjoy your visit.
Our E-Club banner is shown at left! Please send us a virtual copy of your club banner and we will send you a copy of our new club banner in exchange. We will also display your club banner proudly on our meeting website.
We are now officially a fully-fledged chartered Rotary Club in District 7020. We celebrated our Charter Gala with the meeting posted the week of January 24. Our charter date is August 12, 2013. We hope you will find the content of our meeting enlightening and will give us the benefit of your opinion on the content.
February is World Understanding Month. On February 23, Rotary turns 109.
March is Rotary's Literacy Month.
Visiting Rotarians. Click this link to Apply for a Make-up. We will send you and your club secretary a make-up confirmation.
Active Members. Click for Attendance Record.
Happy Hour Hangout. Happy Hour Hangout. Our Happy Hour Hangout on a Saturday morning is early enough so that you can join before your day gets away from you.
We meet for a live chat and sometimes business discussion. If you are interested in dropping by, please click the link below. Morning coffee is on the house! (Your house, that is...) Hope to see you there!
Please note: Now, attending our HHH will earn you a make-up!
The link to the Happy Hour Hangout for Saturday is at the bottom of this meeting.
Interested in joining us? Click the link Membership Application and Information.
Our President, Kitty, would now like to welcome you to this week's meeting. Please listen in...
ABCs OF ROTARY (Cliff Dochterman)
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Cliff Dochterman RI President, 1992-93 |
In many Rotary clubs, particularly in Judeo-Christian nations, it is customary to open weekly meetings with an appropriate invocation or blessing. Usually such invocations are offered without reference to specific religious denominations or faiths.
Rotary policy recognizes that throughout the world, Rotarians represent many religious beliefs, ideas, and creeds. The religious beliefs of each member are fully respected, and nothing in Rotary is intended to prevent each individual from being faithful to such convictions.
At international assemblies and conventions, it is traditional for a silent invocation to be given. In respect for all religious beliefs and in the spirit of tolerance for a wide variety of personal faiths, all persons are invited to seek divine guidance and peace "each in his own way." It is an inspiring experience to join with thousands of Rotarians in an international "silent prayer" or act of personal devotion. Usually, all Rotary International board and committee meetings begin with a few moments of silent meditation. In this period of silence, Rotary demonstrates respect for the beliefs of all members, who represent the religions of the world.
Since each Rotary club is autonomous, the practice of presenting a prayer or invocation at club meetings is left entirely to the traditions and customs of the individual club, with the understanding that these meeting rituals always be conducted in a manner which will respect the religious convictions and faiths of all members.
Can you name the first four Rotarians? (Answer at the end of the meeting...)
How would you handle "Pump News"?
The enthusiasm is contagious! Enjoy!
How do you find out when the Rotary club meets in Toowoomba, Pondicherry or Recklinghausen?
You simply turn to the Official Directory of Rotary International.
The approximately 750-page annual publication is filled with current information about Rotarians, as well as the composition and Rotary clubs. The meeting day, time, and location of every one of the more than 32,000 clubs are listed. From the club of Aabenraa, Denmark, to Zwolle, Netherlands, the Official Directory provides the name and address of each club president and secretary, as well as the number of club members and charter date.
The Official Directory also records a wealth of information about the more than 500 Rotary districts as well as the composition and purpose of all official Rotary committees. Included are names and addresses of the current RI Board of Directors ad all previous boards. There is a list of all past RI presidents with a review of their themes.
An excellent directory of hotels around the world is an added feature.
The Official Directory can be obtained from the RI world Headquarters in Evanston, Illinois. It is a perfect guidebook for making Rotary contacts when you travel.
By the way, Toowoomba meets every Monday at 6:00, Pondicherry on Wednesdas at 7:45 and Recklinghauses on Mondays at 1:00.
Now, that's good to know
- Peace and Conflict Resolution
- Disease Prevention and Treatment
- Water and SanitationIf yo
- Maternal and Child Health
- Basic Education and Literacy
- Economic and Community Development
SPEAKER- Joseph Kim - The family I lost in North Korea
A refugee now living in the US, Joseph Kim tells the story of his life in North Korea during the famine years. He's begun to create a new life -- but he still searches for the family he lost.
Joseph Kim escaped alone from North Korea at the age of 16, first to China and then to the United States.
Joseph Kim is from the northern region of North Korea. Growing up during the great famine of the 1990s, at the age of 12 Joseph saw his father starve to death, his mother disappear and his sister flee to China to search for food. In 2006, when he was 16, he decided to make the dangerous escape alone out of North Korea to look for food -- and for his sister. While hiding in China, he met a Korean-Chinese grandmother who protected and fed him until he found help from Liberty in North Korea (LiNK), a NGO that provided more stabilized shelter and later helped him to escape to the United States.
Joseph arrived in the U.S. in 2007 as a refugee. He is now in college studying international business. He is still searching for his sister.
"In my mind, I thought death is death, whether I die of starvation or from being caught by the North Korean authorities."
--Joseph Kim
Click this link to view the video. Click your browser's BACK button to return to the meeting.
SPEAKER - Paul Pholeros: How to reduce poverty? Fix homes
In 1985, architect Paul Pholeros was challenged by the director of an Aboriginal-controlled health service to "stop people getting sick" in a small indigenous community in south Australia.
The key insights: think beyond medicine and fix the local environment. In this sparky, interactive talk, Pholeros describes projects undertaken by Healthabitat, the organization he now runs to help reduce poverty--through practical design fixes--in Australia and beyond. (Filmed at TEDxSydney.)
Paul Pholeros is a director of Healthabitat, a longstanding effort to improve the health of indigenous people by fixing their living environment and housing.
"Change comes slowly," says architect Paul Pholeros. He should know; he has spent the last 30 years working on urban, rural, and remote architectural projects throughout his native Australia and beyond. In particular, he is focused on improving the living environments of the poor, understanding that environment plays a key and often overlooked role in health.
An architect himself, Pholeros met his two co-directors in the organization Healthabitat in 1985, when the three were challenged by Yami Lester, the director of a Aboriginal-controlled health service in the Anangu Pitjatjantjara Lands in northwest South Australia, to "stop people getting sick." The findings from that project have guided their thinking ever since, as Pholeros and his partners work to improve sanitation, connect electricity, and provide washing and water facilities to indigenous communities. Above all, the teams focus on engaging these local communities to help themselves--and to pass on their skills to others. In this way, a virtuous circle of fighting poverty is born.
Since 2007, Healthabitat has expanded its work beyond Australia, working on similar projects in the Kathmandu Valley in Nepal. In 2011, the firm was awarded the international UN Habitat and Building and Social Housing Foundation's World Habitat Award, and a Leadership in Sustainability prize from the Australian Institute of Architects. In 2012, Healthabitat was one of the six Australian representatives at the Venice International Architectural Biennale.
"Paul Pholeros is an architect specifically honoured for his 30 years' work in indigenous housing. His firm, Healthabitat, set up in 1987 with the medic Paul Torzillo and the public health officer Stephan Rainow, does not build new houses but simply “fixes” ones that are not working. They have developed a testing kit that fits in a suitcase, a preferred list of robust, low-maintenance appliances and a standard set of tools, so that local people can be trained in the work. In the past decade they have fixed 6500 houses across remote Australia and a new two-year contract covers 600 more. So you'd have to say he's across the issue."
--Elizabeth Farrelly, the Sydney Morning Herald
Click this link to view the video. Click your browser's BACK button to return to the meeting.
The website for registering for the conference is now available:
How come it takes so little time for a child who is afraid of the dark
. . . . to become a teenager who wants to stay out all night?
ROTARY WISDOM - Why I am a Rotarian
"THIS CLOSE" - We are ...
To end our meeting, please recite aloud (on your honour!) the Rotary Four-Way Test of the things we think, say, or do.
Our E-Club member, Keturah deWeever, leads us. Please join along.

1. Is it the TRUTH?
2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?
4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
...and official close of meeting
THE ANSWER - The first four Rotarians --
- Gustavus Loehr (Mining Engineer)
- Silvester Schiele (Coal Merchant)
- Hiram E. Shorey (Merchant Tailor)
- Paul P. Harris (Lawyer)
Thank you for stopping by our E-club meeting! We wish you well in the next week in all that you do for Rotary!
The meeting has now come to an end. Please do have a safe and happy week! If you have enjoyed our E-club meeting, please leave a comment below.
Rotary cheers!
Visiting Rotarians. Click this link to Apply for a Make-up. We will send you and your club secretary a make-up confirmation.
Please consider a donation to our Club. Just as any Rotarian visiting a Rotary Club would be expected to make a donation, we hope you will consider a donation to our Rotary E-Club of the Caribbean, 7020. Please click the button below:
Active Members. Click to indicate your Attendance.
HAPPY HOUR HANGOUT - Saturday, February 22
Please join us at our Happy Hour Hangout on Saturday morning, February 22.
• 9:00 a.m. Atlantic Time
• 8:00 a.m. Eastern Time (Miami Time)
Join us. Renew our fellowship! Discuss Rotary!
Learn the history of Rotary in the Caribbean this morning!
Join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device:
- Go to and enter meeting ID: 602 689 205
- Click this URL to start or join.
Join from dial-in phone line:
- Dial:
+1 (424) 203-8450 or
+1 (209) 255-1200
- Meeting ID: 602 689 205
- Participant ID: Shown after joining the meeting
- International numbers available:
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