To "attend" the meeting, scroll down the screen, review all the information from top to bottom, view all the videos, read all the information, and enjoy your time here with us at our Rotary meeting.
Dear Fellow Rotarians, visitors and guests!
Thank you for stopping by our club meeting! We hope you will enjoy your visit.
Our E-Club banner is shown at left! Please send us a virtual copy of your club banner and we will send you a copy of our new club banner in exchange. We will also display your club banner proudly on our meeting website.
We are now officially a fully-fledged chartered Rotary Club in District 7020. We celebrated our Charter Gala with the meeting posted the week of January 24. Our charter date is August 12, 2013. We hope you will find the content of our meeting enlightening and will give us the benefit of your opinion on the content.
March is Rotary's Literacy month. Our club celebrates our 2014 Butterfly Storybook!
Also, March 22 is World Water Day!
Visiting Rotarians. Click this link to Apply for a Make-up. We will send you and your club secretary a make-up confirmation.
Active Members. Click for Attendance Record.
Happy Hour Hangout. Happy Hour Hangout. Our Happy Hour Hangout on a Saturday morning is early enough so that you can join before your day gets away from you.
We meet for a live chat and sometimes business discussion. If you are interested in dropping by, please click the link below. Morning coffee is on the house! (Your house, that is...) Hope to see you there!
Please note: Now, attending our HHH will earn you a make-up!
The link to the Happy Hour Hangout for Saturday is at the bottom of this meeting.
Interested in joining us? Click the link Membership Application and Information.
Our President, Kitty, would now like to welcome you to this week's meeting. Please listen in...
ABCs OF ROTARY (Cliff Dochterman)
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Cliff Dochterman RI President, 1992-93 |
District Assembly
In view of the annual turnover of Rotary leadership each year, special effort is required to provide the 32,000 club leaders with appropriate instruction for the tasks they will assume. The annual district assembly is the major leadership training event in each Rotary district of the world.
The district assembly offers motivation, inspiration, Rotary information and new ideas for club officers, directors, and key committee chairmen of each club. Some of the most experienced district leaders conduct informative discussions on all phases of Rotary administration and service projects. the assembly gives all participants valuable new ideas to make their club more effective and interesting. usually eight to ten delegates from each club are invited to attend the training session.
Another important feature of a district assembly is a review by the incoming district governor of the program theme and emphasis of the new RI president for the coming year. district goals and objects are also described and plans are developed for their implementation.
The success of each Rotary club is frequently determined by the club's full representation and participation in the annual district assembly.
DG JEREMY'S OFFICIAL VISIT - Saturday morning, March 29
- All our members should plan to attend the HHH
- 10:00 a.m. Atlantic Time and 9:00 a.m. Eastern Time.
The Board will meet with the District Governor prior to the full membership.
SPEAKER -Pico Iyer: Where is Home?
More and more people worldwide are living in countries not
considered their own. Writer Pico Iyer -- who himself has three or four
“origins” -- meditates on the meaning of home, the joy of traveling and
the serenity of standing still.
More and more people worldwide are living in countries not considered their own. Writer Pico Iyer -- who himself has three or four “origins” -- meditates on the meaning of home, the joy of traveling and the serenity of standing still.
Pico Iyer’s travel writing chronicles fascinating (and often jarring) examples of cultural mashups. Now he shows how travel can rescue us from our technological distractions.Acclaimed travel writer Pico Iyer began his career documenting a neglected aspect of travel -- the sometimes surreal disconnect between local tradition and imported global pop culture. Since then, he has written ten books, exploring also the cultural consequences of isolation, whether writing about the exiled spiritual leaders of Tibet or the embargoed society of Cuba.
Iyer’s latest focus is on yet another overlooked aspect of travel: how can it help us regain our sense of stillness and focus in a world where our devices and digital networks increasing distract us? As he says: "Almost everybody I know has this sense of overdosing on information and getting dizzy living at post-human speeds. Nearly everybody I know does something to try to remove herself to clear her head and to have enough time and space to think. ... All of us instinctively feel that something inside us is crying out for more spaciousness and stillness to offset the exhilarations of this movement and the fun and diversion of the modern world."
"[Iyer] writes the kind of lyrical, flowing prose that could make Des Moines sound beguiling."
--Los Angeles Times
As Rotarians, we are welcomed at any Rotary Club throughout the world.
In the next few months, let's all try to attend a minimum of 3 meetings at clubs outside of our own E-Club in the next few months.
Please make an effort to see how other clubs operate! Expand your Rotary family!
Because we are an E-Club, getting together physically with other Rotarians is not always the easiest thing to do. However, we did take advantage of a visit from Assistant Governor, Rebecca Low, recently when she visited the island of Anguilla.
AG Rebecca, who resides in St. Maarten, took the opportunity to officially pin our E-Club Charter Member, Lou deLagran, during her time on the island.
Thank you AG Rebecca!
Play the first video only below...
Most Rotarians have never attended a Rotary district conference. They have not experienced one of the most enjoyable and rewarding privileges of Rotary membership.
A district conference is for all club members and their spouses, not just for club officers and committee members. The purpose of a district conference is for fellowship, good fun, inspirational speakers and discussion of matters which make one's Rotary membership more meaningful. Every person who attends a district conference finds that being a Rotarian becomes even more rewarding because of the new experiences, insights and acquaintances developed at the conference. Those who attend a conference enjoy going back, year after year.
Every one of Rotary's districts has a conference annually. These meetings are considered so important that the Rotary International president selects a knowledgeable Rotarian as his personal representative to attend and address each conference. The program always includes several outstanding entertainment features, interesting discussions and inspirational programs.
One of the unexpected benefits of attending a district conference is the opportunity to become better acquainted with members of one[s own club in an informal setting. Lasting friendships grow from the fellowship hours at the district conference.
- Peace and Conflict Resolution
- Disease Prevention and Treatment
- Water and Sanitation
- Maternal and Child Health
- Basic Education and Literacy
- Economic and Community Development
ROTARY AND SHELTERBOX - help restore a sense of normalcy after disaster
Months of heavy rains in the heart of the Peruvian rain forest had caused devastating flooding. It was April 2012, and the Amazon River and other waterways had submerged entire villages, forcing families to leave their belongings on the roofs of their homes and find higher ground. Many had to live on wooden planks or under tarps. The Rotary Club of Iquitos called on Rotary’s partner ShelterBox, which provides tents and other nonfood items in containers to people left homeless by disaster.
Below, Rachel
Simpkins, a ShelterBox volunteer, takes a break to entertain children
whose families were left homeless by flooding in the Peruvian rain
(Photo Credit: Photo by Malcolm Shead)
“At one point there were 10 to 15 kids crowding around,” Shead says. “These are all children of families who live throughout the rain forest and had to relocate to this small village. Municipal buildings, schools, churches -- everything had been turned into shelter for the families.”
The Iquitos Rotarians worked with the ShelterBox volunteers, providing a translator, funding the transport of ShelterBoxes up the river, and assisting with logistical challenges. By the end of May 2012, ShelterBox had provided 171 containers to people in the area.
The website for registering for the conference is now available:
Have a look!
Our E-Club can add our projects to this website!
Browse to and click the Project Portal.
Please become familiar with all the information that is posted and accessible on our Club Home Page in ClubRunner.
• Browse to
Visitors can view the site without logging in. However, if you log in, you can gain access to the “members only” information.
To log in –
1. At the top right of the screen, click “member login.”
2. Enter your login and password information on the next screen that opens and click Login.
The next screen will show the following menu at the top right.
To access the members-only page –
1. Scroll down that home page to view all the options on the right-side menu.
The pages available to you AFTER you log in are different from the selection available to visitors who do not log in. Particularly, notice the Members-only meetings and videos.
2. Click Members-only meetings and videos.
On the next scrfeen that opens, you can read and click the links for the following documents:
Other links lower on that page include the following:
• Rotary Bylaws
• Happy Hour Hangouts
• A few Committee Meetings
• Board meetings
How wonderful is that?
"THIS CLOSE" - We are ...
- April is Magazine Month
- UN International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action, 4 April
- UN World Health Day, 7 April
- Earth Day, 22 April
- Africa Malaria Day, 25 April
Also, the Club-of-the-Month video has been prepared for February. View it here.
Click this link to view the video.
Remember to click your browser's BACK button to return to the meeting.
Congratulations to PDG Diana for an excellent job.
Watch an animated video of the Malaria Lifecycle below - Human stages
Caribbean Partnership Newsletter for March, 2014
District 7020 Newsletter for March, 2014
To end our meeting, please recite aloud (on your honour!) the Rotary Four-Way Test of the things we think, say, or do.
Our Vice President, Paul, leads us.

1. Is it the TRUTH?
2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?
4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
...and official close of meeting
Thank you for stopping by our E-club meeting! We wish you well in the next week in all that you do for Rotary!
The meeting has now come to an end. Please do have a safe and happy week! If you have enjoyed our E-club meeting, please leave a comment below.
Rotary cheers!
Visiting Rotarians. Click this link to Apply for a Make-up. We will send you and your club secretary a make-up confirmation.
Please consider a donation to our Club. Just as any Rotarian visiting a Rotary Club would be expected to make a donation, we hope you will consider a donation to our Rotary E-Club of the Caribbean, 7020. Please click the button below:
Active Members. Click to indicate your Attendance.
HAPPY HOUR HANGOUT - Saturday, March 22
Please join us at our Happy Hour Hangout on Saturday morning, March 22.
• 9:00 a.m. Atlantic Time
• 9:00 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time
Join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device:
Go to and enter meeting ID: 602 689 205
Click this URL to start or join.
This is a recurring meeting – so the link will be the same for every Saturday morning.
Join from dial-in phone line:
Dial: +1 (424) 203-8450

Meeting ID: 602 689 205
Participant ID: Shown after joining the meeting
International numbers available: (424) 203-8450

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